Monday, April 14, 2008


Even though how much we plan our lives something always comes up sometimes a little diversion from what we've plan or something far-out from what we've envisioned our life to be. I'm not saying that we stop planning or making a goal for ourselves... It is important that we have a goal at least we know where we're heading but along the way we are always faced with a choice. A decision that will define what we will become in the future.

For the past few months living on my own has given me enough time to think about myself, about life, about friendship, about family... and about love. Life as we all know is a mystery... Although how much we try to explain its mystery we always end up going deeper into the abyss... we are left with more questions unanswered, more things to discover, and we sink further into confusion.

Haay life!? me? I am always confused, sometimes bored, and most of the hopeful... hopeful that life will turn out well for me.... but you know, i also find life so amazing because of its little surprises, unexpected events, cherished moments and the unforgettable adventures. Life is so lame, but you know what makes it worth living and amazing at the same time? It is the people that we're with. They are the ones who gives us purpose in our puny existence in this universe.

Come to think of it, In this life we were born then we die we already know the cycle but it is the journey in between that matters... finding a true friend who will share the saddest and happiest moment of your life, achieving a life long dream, Meeting someone whom we will spend the rest of our lives with, becoming a mother, mourning for a loved one, embarking on the adventure of a lifetime, finding your purpose... living life....

1 comment:

Santa editorial said...

yeah... life's like that although we carefully planned out ahead what road we want to tread on... but along the way, there we meet diversions, etc... :-) but we the map of our life to a direction we are determined to reach... by god's grace.