It's been ages since the last time I posted anything on this blog. Guess I have been busy with facebook lately but who wasn't for the past 3 years or so (specially in the Philippines). I even forgot that this blog account ever existed. Believe me, it took me almost an hour to figure out my user email and password as my old email was deactivated so my only access was to remember the password.
Anyway, it's difficult to start where I have left maybe I'll begin to why I am reviving this whole blog thing.
Past few months I finally decided to get a life, a life away from facebook. I am not really that addicted to facebook as compared to my mother who play pet society to farm town and checks her name in Japanese or the day's horoscope but maybe I'm the type who never fails to check updates everyday. At times it's tempting to see what other people are up to with their life. Actually, I really miss receiving emails from close friends for updates or small chitchat. I miss using Yahoo messenger's BUZZ! including receiving text messages of funny jokes, love quotes or inspiring messages. Nowadays, we never drop short emails anymore just to see how our friends are doing but we check their recent activities recent photos and posts or just like anything on their wall. Nothing personal. Now, I find there's nothing more to it that an avenue to brag about something check and spy on other people or otherwise let other people know you hate them so much indirectly. Funny but true.
With facebook out of my daily activities. Now, I am back to my old pastime, reading. Actually just finished Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's soul which I can say definitely a must for dog lovers as myself. I really had a hard time adjusting with my new life in Abu Dhabi and my new role as a wife and a mother to Matteo. A lot of things have changed since the last time I've posted. Aside from gaining weight after giving birth but I'm so glad I have bumped into my old blog again.